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  • 25+ 10+
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    Sandalwood Rigs is a part of Sandalwood Rigs Pvt Ltd
  • 18+ 10+
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    Indian Film Industry
    Reputed Directors and Indian Film Industry's using our product range
About Sandalwood Rigs Movie Production Equipment's
Delivering Premium Quality Movie Production Equipment for All Film Industry Movie Shoot
Today, Sandalwood Rigs is registered brand name in global markets and our products are available in more than 10 countries worldwide & all India film industry like Sandalwood, Bollywood, Tollywood, Kollywood, Mollywood and more

The Facilities Less Expensive

Sandalwood Rigs is registered brand name in global markets.

Rigs, Grips & More

Our products are available in more than 10 countries worldwide.
We Promise To Find You The Right Equipment
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Get The Best & The Right Equipment
Fast Booking Film Production Equipment's
All time best choice of our 800+ Movie production Crew
Camera Rigs And Grips On Car
Rig And Grips  
Rigs And Grips : We provide various equipment's like Pipe Rigs, Small Pipe Rigs, Normal Pipe Rigs, Body Rigs, Easy Rigs and many more.
Gimble For Fimmaking 3
Rigs And Grips : We provide various equipment's like Pipe Rigs, Small Pipe Rigs, Normal Pipe Rigs, Body Rigs, Easy Rigs and many more.
Jimmy Jib For Filmmaking
Jimmy Jib  
Rigs And Grips : We provide various equipment's like Pipe Rigs, Small Pipe Rigs, Normal Pipe Rigs, Body Rigs, Easy Rigs and many more.
Rope Camera For Filmmaking
Rope Camera  
Rigs And Grips : We provide various equipment's like Pipe Rigs, Small Pipe Rigs, Normal Pipe Rigs, Body Rigs, Easy Rigs and many more.
Sliders For Filmmaking 3
Rigs And Grips : We provide various equipment's like Pipe Rigs, Small Pipe Rigs, Normal Pipe Rigs, Body Rigs, Easy Rigs and many more.
Camera Rigs And Grips On Train 3
Train Rig And Grips  
Rigs And Grips : We provide various equipment's like Pipe Rigs, Small Pipe Rigs, Normal Pipe Rigs, Body Rigs, Easy Rigs and many more.
All the Movie Production Equipment's are manufactured and assembled in India
Our Global Leaders & Team
We Help Film Industry To Utilize The Best Production Equipments
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We Help Film Industry To Utilize The Best Production Equipment's
Sandalwood Rigs Headquarter Is Based In Bangalore India
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Sourcing & supply of material at the door step of the film production site in the field of all Indian Film Industry
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